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Сообщения : 6795
Дата регистрации : 05.03.11
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PostTēma: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime11.08.11 17:23

Где то в просторах интернета валяется блог Маеф.. который я вела на своем жутком английском языке..

чаще всего даже без проверки орфографических ошибок не говоря о грамматических.. Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed чтобы только написать и бежать дальше.. тк время как обычно в обрез и блог я вела/иногда добавляю туда что нибудь и сейчас.. если ест что.. в основном ради фото/скриншотов.. ну и добавляла пару жутких строчек своим игровым друзьям Smile (они уже увы привыкли читать мой исковерканный язык. и перестали меня исправлять)
в общем.. если кому интересно - посмотрите на фото.. ну можно еще поглумится над языком Smile все исправления - велком! EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 4135258597
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Сообщения : 6795
Дата регистрации : 05.03.11
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PostTēma: Re: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime11.08.11 17:36

pirms skaties.. izlasi rakstu...

Atkarība no datorspēlēm. Cik tas ir nopietni?

Mūsdienās ar datorspēlēm aizrāvušies kā bērni, tā pieaugušie. Daži aizrāvušies vairāk, daži mazāk. Daži pārāk daudz. Daži spēļu dēļ zaudējuši darbu vai ģimeni. Bet citi darbu un ģimeni zaudējuši azartspēļu vai futbola mīlestības dēļ. Vai tiešām par atkarību no datorspēlēm ir jārunā kā par nopietnu psihisku problēmu? Speciālisti un upuru tuvinieki uzskata, ka ir gan.

Joks vai nopietna problēma

Nesen kāda ASV Viskonsinas štata iedzīvotāja vainoja tiešsaistes datorspēli EverQuest sava 21 gadu vecā dēla pašnāvībā. Puisim bijušas garīgas problēmas, un viņš nonācis pilnīgā atkarībā no EverQuest virtuālās fantāzijas pasaules. Šī spēle tiek vainota arī kāda puisēna nāvē Filadelfijas štatā, jo viņa tēvs bija tik ļoti aizrāvies ar spēli, ka viņa nevērīgā izturēšanās noveda pie bērna nāves.

Kaut gan šādi gadījumi ir ļoti reti, garīgās veselības speciālisti apgalvo, ka videospēlēs un datorspēlēs piedāvātās fantāzijas pasaules var kļūt par vissmagāko atkarību objektu, kas viegli var iznīcināt gan laulību, gan spēlētāju karjeru.

Ilgus gadus spēļu cienītāji runas par nonākšanu atkarībā uzskatīja vairāk par joku, taču, savairojoties tādām spēlēm kā EverQuest, speciālisti par šo atkarības formu runā pavisam nopietni. Jāņem vērā, ka EverQuest popularitāte patiesi ir iespaidīga – patlaban tai ir vairāk nekā 400 000 maksas abonentu. Protams, internetā eksistē arī nīdēju kopienas. Piemēram, EverQuest gadījumā Yahoo apvienojuðies spēļu fanu atstumtie un atstumtās, kas izveidojuši grupu EverQuest Widows (EverQuest atraitnes)…

- Tā ir liela un tikai pieaugoša problēma gados vecākiem pusaudžiem un pieaugušiem vīriešiem, - izdevumam CNET sacījis Kalifornijas psihologs doktors Timotijs Millers.

- Esmu pieredzējis daudzus gadījumus, kad 17 vai 18 gadu veci puiši, kuriem ir pieejams ātrs interneta pieslēgums, gandrīz nemaz neiziet no mājas. Reiz mans pacients bija jauns vīrietis, kurš vēlējās iegūt darba nespējas pabalstu agorafobijas dēļ, - sacīja Millers. - Viņam nebija psihisku noviržu, viņš tikai negribēja pamest EverQuest un interneta saraksti.

Timotijs Millers min divus rīcības veidus, kas liecina par cilvēka nonākšanu atkarībā no datorspēlēm: viņš regulāri pavada spēlē daudz ilgāku laiku, nekā sākumā pats ir plānojis, turklāt turpina spēlēt arī tad, kad tas draud jau ar pavisam bēdīgām sekām.

Starp citu, ASV jau ir izskanējušas prasības EverQuest pievienot brīdinājumus par tās iespējamo ietekmi. Tomēr EverQuest izdevēja Sony Online Entertainment mārketinga viceprezidents Skots Makdeniels uzsver, ka kompānija paļaujas uz pašu spēlētāju saprātīgumu.

- Manuprāt, mūsu nostāja ir tāda pati kā visu citu produktu mārketingā – klientiem pašiem ir jābūt atbildīgiem par to, ko viņi dara, lietojot mūsu produktu, - paskaidrojis Makdeniels. - Jūs taču, sēžoties automašīnā, nekur neredzat brīdinājumus Nebrauc virsū cilvēkiem. Cilvēkiem pašiem jābūt pietiekami saprātīgiem un, ja viņiem ir bērni, jāpievērš uzmanība tam, ko viņi dara.

Tēvs kļūst par šamani

Deniss Benets sāka neapmeklēt nodarbības augstskolā, viņa laulība bija tuvu sabrukumam, turklāt jaunais vīrietis gandrīz nemaz neveltīja laiku gadu vecajam dēlēnam. Toties viņš bija sasniedzis 58. līmeni kā Madrids, Lielais Ziemeļu šamanis – Denisa varonis spēlē EverQuest, kas paņēma visu viņa laiku un domas. Šādi CNET apraksta vienu no gadījumiem, kad pieaudzis cilvēks nonāk reālā atkarībā no parastas datorspēles.

Šis stāsts ir ar laimīgām beigām. Tagad Beneta ģimenes dzīve un sekmes augstskolā ir strauji uzlabojušās, jo apmēram pirms gada viņš spēli pameta. Benets ir pārliecināts, ka viņš bija kļuvis pilnīgi atkarīgs no EverQuest, un ir laimīgs, ka beigu beigās tomēr spējis pārvarēt tieksmi atkal un atkal iegrimt populārās spēles bagātajā fantāzijas pasaulē.

- Šī spēle gandrīz sagrāva manu dzīvi, - atzīst tīklu inženieris. - Tā arī bija mana dzīve. Es vairs nebiju es, es..

Pēdējo reizi labojis Enifer 11.08.11 18:08; labots 1 reizi
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Сообщения : 6795
Дата регистрации : 05.03.11
Откуда : Latvia, Norway

PostTēma: Re: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime11.08.11 17:37

Little Bio..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 5339554956_7c2f21d870_z

Character roots:

Maef beautiful lady and werewolf.. is the character of the Elaine Bergstrom novel The tapestry of dark souls (Ravenloft series of books (based on the D&D modules))..

In Game:


Maef - druid

Dont remember the server (Tunare?).. guild was The Trials and Tribulations.

..firstly appeared in in the begining of 2000 in the place called Surefall Glades.

***Lost in the big boom...


Maef - warden, tailor

Server: Butchersblock, Guild: Elvarian Aliance

..after big BOOM appeared in the place called Nettleville.. she do not remember her past.. and still searching who she is..

Once in cold november 2009.. dirty and thirsty human woman appeared in one of the cities of the Norrath.. Nettlevile.

Noone knew where from this poor human being came.. even she.. past days sunk in the heavy mist of the brain.. there were only few strange pieces left.. she remembered another place.. probably another world.. place called tunare.. friendly faces.. and last piece was something like a big blow or earthquake.. words what she was wispering to her godess Tunare.. despair... and darknes

***...she was always too curious and too brave (sometimes without thinking about tomorrow).. she suddenly disappeared in one of the warm summer nights.. some people rumour that they have heard her heading to research some of new tunnels in one of the great mountains of the Norrath.. as well as probably she found some kind of way to the other reality, which she was so desperately looking for..


Enifer (copy of Maef) - warden, tailor

Server: Freeport, Guild: Blood Covenant

..omg finally! i see the sigh of light! NEW WORLD!...is this a new world?! i cannot believe it?! but.. wait?! the same places.. the same cities.. even air smells THE SAME?! but people? i know noone?! and noone knows me!! there is no way back.. probably i will start new life here.. from now I am - Enifer.. as one of the heroes of my beloved books.. another new life.. how many i will have.. such new starts.. how many times my heart will die burying lost friends names..

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Сообщения : 6795
Дата регистрации : 05.03.11
Откуда : Latvia, Norway

PostTēma: Re: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime11.08.11 17:38

Bits from previous life in Butchersblock (EQII pictures)

Maef in full regal. In one of her friends houses where she is doing decoration works..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 5338943531_64af911373_z

Another character Carpenter Wizzie - Mimoza.. who knows maybe ill get her in EQx too along with Raphaell

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My Troubadour Raphaell and his beloved friend

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My dearest EQ friend ever Solorun.. it is him why i am still here..i have never met more truthfull and kind person in game.. more friendly.. he ate my heart and EQ time EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 5339555122_cf39e8b516_b

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 5339554956_7c2f21d870_z

Listening 1001 nights tales..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 5339554872_fb7a1d7f8f_z

Kelethin in sunrise.. day is just started with beautiful walk
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Solorun my dearest friend and Master. He found Maef in the Netleville at 10lvl and he still teaches her and leads in game.
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..trying to be a true warden.. err.... here doggy doggy..

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My Raphael and his friend Renai

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messy lab

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...but.. i really love wargs...

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the true moment of becoming 90 lvl and meeting the mistress

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from oldfirst home in the Nettleville

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 5339553580_e3d3e368f5_z

Pēdējo reizi labojis Enifer 11.08.11 17:49; labots 1 reizi
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Сообщения : 6795
Дата регистрации : 05.03.11
Откуда : Latvia, Norway

PostTēma: Re: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime11.08.11 17:38

bits of Ennis quiet life

Enifer.. a little bit sad and lonely in new world.. she leaved very great friends in old server.. great house and guild..

She came from Butchersblock server where she is Maef from Elvarian Aliance guild.. many years before she was Maef druid in EQ1 in Trials and Tribulations guild.

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 8c81fe8dd990

Great friend named Ocadia after one of Ennis good friends

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 2bb3f3e63953

..great flyer has very bad temper and character.. Enni spends hours to get from this proud creature its agreement to fly in the dangerous zones..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 7135cf23daed

Aerie Ilka 2 room appartment being furnitured.. everything just started..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 673143122036

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 68abf6c06c48

..figuring out some nasty plans.. EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) B5d287924bf1

..hey guy you have shoe opened...

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Ff788ec0279c

..one of the dearest places in the Kelethin.. sunrises and dawns are great from this point..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Cc086da1912f

Ocadia showing off EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad

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...doing void job..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) A38952c8e96e

..portal to the temple..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 1a66ed8f59a9

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3d3e47bf971e

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 4d03a5e12774

..you are always welcome EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 30746ef19f4c

..somethimes you must spend hours to get some bit of information from this hairy guys..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 62035137b72d

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3fd0776267de

...just bits.. EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad

Pēdējo reizi labojis Enifer 11.08.11 17:50; labots 1 reizi
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Сообщения : 6795
Дата регистрации : 05.03.11
Откуда : Latvia, Norway

PostTēma: Re: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime11.08.11 17:38

Lavastorm Moonrise

pic from old Enifers life as Maef

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Fd962c13f917
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PostTēma: Re: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime11.08.11 17:39

Isle of Mara..

yesterday`s way brought me to the Isle of Mara.. havent been long time there.. but still agree with my friend.. if there would be possibility to have house i would definatelly had one there../please correct my English guys.. if you see smth messed up/

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Da1822fa02df

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 32f6660040b9
Citizens are nice but.. dont like strangers with swords like me..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 9eea10c5a785
..though after some conversation..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 74261f7900a2

we separating as good friends EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 462ae9771d00
..hmm if you havent seen clean and shiny pigs before.. you should visit Mara ^.^ pigs are clean, happy and some have glitter on them EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 283a16da79f3aa23fe1025c96295f04f
you can take part of pig run contest and win some money if you are lucky enough EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 69934afc394145350659cd7add244ca9

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 531607d8e649
after meeting so clean pigs even my cat Robi decided that she need some wash >.<

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 4039ea9e5bfb
..enjoying warm and clean waters.. as true warior.. in whole dress ^.^

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 53e51e5176d4
...its time..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 608617585fe1

Pēdējo reizi labojis Enifer 11.08.11 17:50; labots 1 reizi
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Сообщения : 6795
Дата регистрации : 05.03.11
Откуда : Latvia, Norway

PostTēma: Re: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime11.08.11 17:39

Bits of our guild house.. for those fwo never seen it..

i am totally amazed by work done in it! and decided to share it with others.. when i can day by day..

View from the entrance..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 9cfb8400e14c

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 45a04f7bb5e5

wizzie portal by the entrance..

i am trying to explain that i want to get to the Isle of Mara.. only later guildies remined me that i must use the bELL and leave poor guy alone ^.^
EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 21d150d40080

..remembering childhood EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad
EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 67abc4ace63a

to be continued..
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Сообщения : 6795
Дата регистрации : 05.03.11
Откуда : Latvia, Norway

PostTēma: Re: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime11.08.11 17:40

Song to our guild hall..

Today was quite laggy day even for my faster PC..

so i decided to spare my eq time continuing my guild hall exploration steps..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Fe18a7fdc0f2
better picture of entrance.. i like that everything is in one place.. you port to hall and right there are all traveling possibilities at your service.. in the few steps from your popping place..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 6b48acffd66a
dragon statues.. dont think that my pc takes extreemly good pictures.. in game everything look better anyway..

i like light decorations in hall.. very smart and tastefull in my opinion..

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view of druid ring..

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enjoying "ride" EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad

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colorful and interesting construction greets you by the entrance..

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upper view of guild house..

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flying mount view ^,^

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EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 50c3171bf0e9
Guild hall treasure hunt.. such a fun idea! and so nicelly implemented in life..
meet one of the guilds treasures - The lighthouse! if you are in the dark waters.. search for the light of your guildhouse in the deep of your heart.. and it will lead you..

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view from the walls..

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true druid ring.. at your service EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 283a16da79f3aa23fe1025c96295f04f

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..you can easilly spend whole night exploring and enjoying view...

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..everything done with care and love.. and its in the air..

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..another morning you can spare exercising in the fresh air..

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EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Df5fa6020865
found it before one of the doors.. couldnt figure out how it got there and why it is still there..

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..curiosity cannot help you to be aware of strange doors and ways..

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..ohh seems i got in some kind of fighting room?!

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mmm i dont think that i should touch it..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) C0845d4a4b05

very strange place.. i thought it is guard tower..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Be5ac6172bac
i was wrong.. another Treasure hunt booklet awared me.. i am in Ratonga tower!! ack!?
dont want to pop into that jail in the first floor..
luckily i got a spell...

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 93507550e7f2
ne ne ne neeee.. ^,^

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...who said that this cutie is not in the proper place?

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ratongas!.. where are you guys?! EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 283a16da79f3aa23fe1025c96295f04f

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errr.... even being ratonga.. i couldnt figure out the meaning of that skellie guy...

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who knows what my Robi thinking...

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guessing... is it wiskey? or vine?..

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too small to pray..

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...small leggs.. but got there anyway EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 283a16da79f3aa23fe1025c96295f04f

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why they are flying ... hanging there in the air...?

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..lovers gazebo.. quite expensive thingie..

but it is worth it... even being in few steps from it.. heart become warmer.. and soul opens to heartly talks..

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such a loooong time.. my hairy friend EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad

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music!.... and all for me! ahhhh

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changing forms..

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i could look very good as guardian ^.^

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..anyway.. visiting horses requires softer forms and sounds..

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..looking at world with fairies eyes.. everything seems so bright and good..

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...oh Sir.. you are so... so.. so green?!

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..stable guy will greet you with a gentle riding horse light burst..

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..guessing who rides this "mount"..

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..Unicorn.. self complete.. just UNICORN! seems even skellie admires HIM..

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..in the warm light of great creature..

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..closing part of the day.. guild hall entrance seems like somekind of meeting place.. everyday i meet here someone and have few words or more..

Rachelrene on her brave flyer!

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..yep.. from all sides ^.^

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little fireworks parade EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) F02028d82691
Nice and gentle young lady.. it was great pleasure to meet her and have nice conversation EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad seems we have not even same Gi (clothes).. even birth years are the same EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 730810b2630c
..tried to catch the group of pets.. EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 283a16da79f3aa23fe1025c96295f04f

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) C20fad240357

..but seems they dont like photoshooting and i got only sides and backs EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 283a16da79f3aa23fe1025c96295f04f

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Ded810be8e1e

oh who we got here?! EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 283a16da79f3aa23fe1025c96295f04f our brave troubadour Holy* EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) B7ba2e32b93e

only now noticed he has a red beard!! >.<

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 2538a83f64d3

we have such a crazy giggling talks that Rachelrene seemed a bit worried about my mind..

i was too sleepy to say something clever hehe

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 1712483fb2b8
guild mates..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 8964d7c6fbe0

i was going to logg.. but Holy popped with totally new 100000$ look EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 283a16da79f3aa23fe1025c96295f04f

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) F39d1938e8fe

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 1fdd8960c1a9

Such Elvis Presley "D

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 40025433bea1

seems even Rachelrenes sokotar noticed interesting changes EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 283a16da79f3aa23fe1025c96295f04f

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 6b4538bea45c

Guys! thank you for nice conversation and laughts EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad my PC was extreemly slow and gaming was hard.. even typing was laggy but i enjoyed every moment EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad
Thank you!

...bed calls... cya!!
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PostTēma: Re: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime11.08.11 17:40

older memories..

i was desperately digging my PCfolders seraching something from the past.. nothing about my old Maef.. though she looked almoust like my new Maef/Enifer.. red ponytail.. human race.. and druid with paladin intentions ^_^

maybe someday i will find old pictures.. probably they are archived somewhere..

but i found my old friend picture!

Topina! how could i forget her/him EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad it was sooo longtimeago..i lost connection with him.. it is so sad..

/now.. looking at the picture.. i hardly can imagine how we still enjoyed the game and loved it!!.. graphics are so ermmmm... khmm... ****... not quite good indeed hehe/

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 212fa87b2448
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PostTēma: Re: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime11.08.11 17:40

Guild hall ways continuing..

no traveling around the Norrath today..

day started with my inner question revealing.. our guild Leader explained me the meaning of the cross and poor skellie guy..

As it is rat tower and everyone is warned to be very carefull while crossing the streets in this place.. though some wanderers are not so lucky as I yesterday.. probably because rat comand were out for adventures..

this poor guy seems got full rat brigades "warm" greeting from the upper guarding place of the tower..
and nasty ratongas leaved him here as more expressive warning..

..we tried to resurect poor traveler... but seems not my resurection spells not soft purring of my cat cannot recall his soul from the mist of other worlds..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) C5caf3f3b2fc
guys! be aware!! ratongas watching your steps!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 2b18bf39379a
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PostTēma: Re: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime11.08.11 17:41

hadnt proper adventure mood this night... it was such a starry and dreamy night..

even my flying mistress Ocadia seemed deepened in her mind with romantic look in her eyes... and she was so touched, that... i got raised in this beautifull sky under softly flapping wings sound..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 5992362b1f36

..and made little discovery!

under the magical Might magma stone... someone has a resting place!! actually a nest!

those strong and great bird race creatures named Gryphs have their home here!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 9dc246d614d5
Its a great pleasure your Highness!!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) D9a5ba928206

..nothing impossible and nothing to fear with such background!!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 8f5aaf263a9b

...i think i hear soft sounds... here under the magic lights of magma stone.. new life is preparing to break out through those strong shells.. guraded by unsleepy eyes of great parents!

ahhh such a great feeling!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 7771503882ae


EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 5f013323c343

..sacred place of gryph power source...

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 81a26ce9eb4d
..seems all the MIGHT of the guild concentrated in this magma streams!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 2572eb66d5ea

..and strong Ocadia wings softly raised my body in this sky ocean again..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 58659324e590

..that wasnt wind who brought salt water in my eyes...

..those pieces of the old world.. this night.. seems i feel my old good friends hands lying on my shoulders.. their eyes..

so many of them left there on the pieces of old Norrath.. so many we will never see again..

/i think inside me.. maybe someday our RL grand grand X1000 grand son... will stare in the sky from the new planet... and his eyes will see our old world planet pieces.. like the milky way... like way from million lives passed and gone forewer with old planet.../

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 0955a95ab0a2
...sudden rear of my flyer teared out me from my memories..

we got new visiting place.. i wander what a strong magic needed to keep this stone and metal monuments to hang like that on the air?!

seems it is somekind of battle place? or showing place? maybe mighty mages of our guild have their meetings here?

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Bccc03184185

..we landed and was kindly greated by the Erudin mage.. offering us to try our spells and sword in the battle.. with somekind of creatures?!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) C0f6aeba0bc0

..i felt very strange.. i knew i am in the safe place.. even standing on this magic floor.. reflecting all the beauty of our hall.. easilly observed through its watery?! floor..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) B6efa32af49f

... i dont say i am afraid of strangers.. of mages.. but i couldnt make myself to fully trust to those eyes.. seemed something inside them.. somekind of dreaming power.. waiting..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 04a532f80e12

so.. no beasts this time... those like me got.. a MOppet ^_^

oh my what i gonna do with this piece of rubbish lol!! seems even from my touch it will break down!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) E3d80baac58b

...i got prepared and gave a try!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Cbae12a9895b

lol! i was so damnelly wrong! i used all what i could! but i couldnt even bite a piece of it!!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 5da8218f308c

...i was so angry.. SO anngry!! lol

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 796cb62318d4

couldnt hear even my Robi soft meow reminding me that there is that Erudin guy.. and i must remember where i am!..

seems all pain and angry what i remembered tonight.. waching our broken world pieces.. tried to brake through my hands and spells..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) A6d6384b0a9a
..soft wisper and brown eyes popped in my mind.. my gently fairy ally.. my little angel.. stopped my nightmarish run around that poor moppet.. that i was destroyed till its little piece at that moment..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Aa5acfa5e403

and i found myself near new booklet.. whew... probably there was a bit of magic.. those Erudin eyes touched something in me.. something what better remains untouched..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 7946829871e1

Another treasure hunt piece! revealed me the meaning of this place..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Fc5877e425fd

It is Arena!! and fierce of the previous battles seems hanging here in the air..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 8eb9096c5201


EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 1139555b9217

..Robi.. what.. yes khmm i defeated a beast.. uhmm...what..?! a moppet?.. but what a moppet it was?! EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 283a16da79f3aa23fe1025c96295f04f

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 4cffc2d96240

..and we floating again.. quietly leaving battle ground.. and anger beside us.. so relived.. very strange place..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 9dae8292dc6d

..with another night comming we stopped at the one of the areas of upper side of the guild house..

and descovered a Chess.. with figures..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) E81460d7ed08

..another stunned magic place?!.. another dreaming power.. i could even sniff it..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 856c7aeac45d

black and white side.. both great and prepare.. both dangerous and strong..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 83d5bc2af505

like pieces of our soul... black ...

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 2a3e2ef440f8

..and white...

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 911dab328f1c

..and you must chose the way.. the part where to belong.. and there is no gray or double... there are only white or black.. you cannot be servant of both..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 58fc05e50c79

i chose..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 9d498cd6a693

and suddenly understood.. i am alone alive here... alone who choses.. in my own soul..
EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Ea7e72964de9

to be black or white.. to be good or evil.. Tunare chalenged me again.. and i felt it.. in this strange magic place..
EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 086dd555ea51
and those wariors are my own soul parts..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 24a0fc65d4fd

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 41c04b53dde6

...suddenly i popped out of my magic dream... and everything seemed quiet again.. figures seemed simple and chess reminded King and Queens table with their peasant figurines..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 2d4540d9ff6b
so many many feelings today... my horsey raised my tired body in the air and last i remember were our shores around us..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 09360b147d46

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 6c982f2132d9
...i opened my eyes in the warm shine of new day sun.. seems i falled a sleep flying on my strong and warm creature.. sun took away dreams and feelings..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 4c3c06d1e9ec
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PostTēma: Re: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime11.08.11 17:41

yooohooo!! i found!!

I was born.. ermm Maef was born somewhere in the begining of 2000.. and firstly appeared in the place called Surefall Glades!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Qrg-rangerhall
From ZAM: Surefall Glades is a quiet, sparsely populated city nestled along the border of Jaggedpine Forest. The guild houses of two factions can be found here: The Jaggedpine Treefolk (druids) and Protectors of Pine (rangers). Animal hunters be advised: The residents of Surefall fiercely guard the few bears to be found here. Don't get caught poaching!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-qrg-hillsEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-qrg-rangerhallEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-qrg-protectorsEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-qrg-archery
EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-qrg-treefolkEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-qrg-merchantsEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-qrg-druidhallEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-qrg-guildmaster
EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-qrg-tunnelEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-qrg-piranhasEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-qrg-jaggedpineEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-qrg-defiler
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PostTēma: Re: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime11.08.11 17:42

Just remembered.. i was so excited about old EQ Planes zone music!

do u remember it? my favourite was plane of time music.. while i was listening it.. i almoust felt that i hear my inner voice.. calling me.. and saying me.. you cannot turn life back.. time is passing away..like sand grains through your fingers.. you must use your time with mind.. ehh

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Potimea-clock

listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEOL...player_embedded

from zam:

largely decorative, tranquil zone full of creatures seen past and present. It is through here which raids are granted access to the Plane of Time trials of Water, Earth, Fire, Air and Undead, and move on to the realm of the gods.

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-potimea-clockEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-potimea-griffinEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-potimea-mammothEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-potimea-pool
EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-potimea-earthEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-potimea-stonegrabberEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-potimea-wrulonsEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-potimea-golem

Plane of Nightmare was really nightmarish... especially with all sounds switched on..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Ponightmare-river

listen: https://www.youtube.com/v/0EAh0xSih3U&hl

From Zam:

In the mists of the darker portions of the astral lurks the Plane of Nightmares, home to the horrors that crouch in the subconscious of all creatures' minds. A dense forest dominates much of the plane, pockmarked by many small clearings. The trees are gnarled, their bark twisted into patterns that resemble horrific faces. These sentient creatures are powerful and malevolent, springing to life when any mortal being enters the realm. A river bisects the forest, eventually pouring into a great, murky lake. In the caverns beneath the earth live still more nightmares.

All indigenous creatures of the Plane of Nightmares serve the Dream Scorcher, Terris-Thule. The demi-goddess daughter of Cazic-Thule, she is the master of the subconscious who terrorizes those drawn into her realm as they slumber.

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-ponightmare-gravesEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-ponightmare-riverEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-ponightmare-hedgeEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-ponightmare-wraith
EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-ponightmare-gargoylesEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-ponightmare-matriarchEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-ponightmare-terrisEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-ponightmare-waterfall
EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-ponightmare-mephitcavernEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-ponightmare-minnowsEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-ponightmare-shadeEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Mini-ponightmare-hobgoblins

Other planes music:

Plane of knowledge:


check the youtube.com for other sounds!
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PostTēma: Re: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime11.08.11 17:42

One of the creatures from old EQ what remained in my memories is Lodizal.

Probably because she dropped quite expensive lodizal shell shield and was farmed for it.
Also there was a belt and some more items including heritage (if i am not wrong) armour quest pieces.
EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Item_503 Belt of the Great Turtle EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Item_1244 Fabled Lodizal Shell Shield

She was big and pretty turtle EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad She was raid mob once.. sure with new levels and posibilities she become more or less group mob.


EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 909e19b3a2124c339be843de4d90b497

She is real relict.. she withstanded all Norathian earthquakes and still alive.. only look older.

Zam writes:

EverQuest II Lore: Lodizal the Divine Turtle and Nipik the Chosen Othmir

Posted February 10th, 2011 (170 days ago) by Michael Jamias
EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Lodizal-and-nipik

Lodizal is a giant ferry turtle that serves as the transport leading to the continent of Velious. More than 600 years old, Lodizal is a native of the frigid Iceclad Ocean and has been around long enough to witness the turbulent Age of Cataclysms and Age of Turmoil. Plenty have attempted to hunt the legendary turtle probably for his prized meat and impentrable shell, but he remains elusive to captors because of his divine powers handed down by Ocean Lord Prexus himself.

Also standing guard over Lodizal is Nipik, the longest-living Othmir in history. Nipik had fled the Cobalt Scar along with his people after it was devastated by the Rending. In their new home at Velious, Nipik found out that his premonitions of the Rending disaster was given by Prexus, the same god that protected Lodizal. It became clear to the wise Othmir that he was chosen to help Lodizal ferry new adventurers to the shores of Velious according to the wishes of the ocean lord.

In-game, Lodizal and Nipik serve as nifty throwbacks to the original EverQuest game where the turtle served as rare spawn. While players now won’t be able to wipe on the giant turtle, they can still take screenshots atop his spiked shell like they always did back in the original game. Better yet, have that screenshot framed and placed alongside your Lodizal plushie displayed in your house or guild hall.

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Eq2-lodizal

I hope that with DOV purchase i will be able to meet that great turtle and see her with own eyes!
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PostTēma: Re: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime11.08.11 17:42

hmm i am continuing to blah blah in my terrifying English.. i am sorry guys i am learning.. so those who are feeling badly when read Bad english.. better just watch pictures if you like EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad or any corrections are welcome!

Today just want to share some guild mate shots.. when yesterday i finally dragged back my tired body from adventures in the Hole i spotted some guildies near the entrance...

Seems ladies were deeply thinking or planning and barely noticed my presence.. or probably i was too dirty and looking tired that i could barely remember guild mate.. so maybe they decided i am someones illusorous pet..

..so i could get very close and take some shots..

Beautiful lady Syrelise in the dangerous outfit..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Dbb4283b02d9

..i havent seen such a beautiful but sad eyes before..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) E81cb2729274

..while i was admiring Syrelise `s outfit i almoust stepped on someones leg.. when i turned.. some deadly eyes was staring at me with their piercing look..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 43f2a8781c22

..oh my.. i got dim with steam in one second!.. it was Lady Cacia s guard!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 22bd6064643c

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) C42263c0fb84

I jumped away with dosen of peasantic - I am sorry Sir!..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 91e6f98693ef

..another eyes stared at me.. i dont know why.. but i felt how some cold mangled arms trying to reach and squeeze my heart...

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 69c3c7efe27d

ohh probably it was another game of my tired adventurers mind.. after meeting The Hole zone everyone seems doubtfull..
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PostTēma: Re: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime11.08.11 17:43

My last night`s meets..

At the entrance spotted guid mate... ack! that lizard looked at me so angry.. thats all i remember lol... cannot recall mates name awww!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) F481607416fb

Bank.. another place where almoust always you can Hail someone..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 2334a5157cfe

sure if you dont sunk in those fairy eyes sparing all your belongings purchasing from Lady Broker whatever she gives you ^__^

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 9e046811bf99 EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 0d41d44da4eb

..another inquiring look will measure - have you proper rights or not to use guild bank account..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 43e21b9a4c89

Brainy, professional and strong lizard named John Dillinger as personal bank assistant is at your service! At any hour of day or night!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 8679141ddea9

...sudennly i felt some warmth.. someone appeared behind me silently... who else it can be.. with mount moving so softly and quietly as its Master can move..

Sir Rahki of the Dragon Ring!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 605f85ae9cde

..then dear Jeme popped on his soft cloud..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 4a4b50b47fcf

..still remember his protective wings flapping behind me in the deep corridors of the Hole.. that was long fighting night for all of our group..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 0d33c56429eb


EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 29acba9b35cf

..i wonder.. how such a small and light creature.. on the magic cloud.. can be so strong warior?..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 31bbe84db39a

...stately Jamescout on his graceful horse!! i wonder how many womenkind creatures lost their eyes between those muscle mountains.. ^_^

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 1fea1ba39ece

Stormwitch on her Dino spotted having some deals with Broker fairy EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) C6f31d156f48

another graceful lady of our guild..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3efde204e31a

..seems that dino tries to be as same graceful as its Master ^_^

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) F961a8bb990b

Another guild mate... oh guys i cant remember his name... was lost too much admiring his eyes lol..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 01f54709b2cb

..and sure that horsey is not less perfect than his Master!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) F9f68b461ac2

..Powerful lady in the platemail.. i dont want to imagine what feel her enemies in the battle...

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Dd4259018a21

Arbiter Miala!!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Fad1c38b6937 \\

..such a cloak!!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Cf407e165646

..and not only cloak ^_^

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) D45864792e15

..i wonder how those pretty carpets can fly so easilly hanging like that in the air?

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) B66882354e98

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 6baef09cea0d

..our mate Isdire probably knows the secret EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad as well his magical pet...

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 5b4bbf76012f

...everyone went to rest or spare their time adventuring.. everything become so quiet in the long coridors of guild hall..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 2574684541ee

..admiring the Mistress in the silence.. how i love this Scars of Velious painting of Her!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 2f4cc0c96044

i think iwill make another gallery only for paintings.. for those who cannot seethem in good quality..or just have no time for looking at those oily lines..

Remines of Honour..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Be986983f3a4

..utopian Gnomish dreams and moment when Party ends up not as you had dreamed...

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 16c4f7c475d5

I like how many master pieces are placed on the guild house walls.. you can spend a day easilly.. walking and admiring those great canvas and catched moments..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 5bd260a35014

..i think i can even smell fresh breeze coming out from this peaceful forest river!

Great Upon Reflection painting!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Beaa3a5da0a5
/gu laters guys!! EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad

..its time!
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PostTēma: Re: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime11.08.11 17:44

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) C314ae802166
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PostTēma: Re: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime11.08.11 17:44

Few more pictures of you guys!

Spartacuss on his mighty gryph!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 9855186215cd

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 7228ddf3f9dd

lol Daigon made my day.. i couldnt stop smiling while was looking on his outfit ^_^

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 47728d3dc5bf

he is cuter lizzy guy i ever met ^_^

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 53727ed8335a

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 254da0d76144

Brutalfrog probably couldnt understand why i am so stoopidly smiling EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 283a16da79f3aa23fe1025c96295f04f

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) A739174f4c56

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 9f1561a6fb94

Sirtuscon on his flying construction!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 083f05a515f1

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) A756c6e09c04

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Fc6260143938

..if u are taking pictures.. better hide in the illusion.. noone blame too curious pet ^_^

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Dec20304e8c8

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 044c6b398304

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 034208717029

mmmm such a ratonga guy! he would be the love of my life if i would be ratonga! probably it would be one side love.. but i would admire him hiding in the guild hall corners ^_^

Sir Ninjarat!!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 2d4f5af5b4ff

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 51bb49160d43

..silent but dreadful pet guarding his Masters background..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 8ce773a8501b

partly here and partly in some other dimension..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 40aa1735c815

..room sudennly filled with fresh winter morning air.... and she appeared...

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) B592d16df361

..on a glacial mount.. even Ninjarat was disturbed from his broker deals..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 7e497880adcf


EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 8bd768e9fa54

..like an elite perfume.. blend of the finest oriental scents, magic frost lily petal breeze, drop of swan love and tiny pill of Norathian fighters leather tincture..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 6c3f0bede514

..and i sat and gazed... with silent exclamations in my soul! ..such a LADY!!!!!! ..i was whole covered with jim-jams...(lol not sure how to use that word properly)

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Cf43a876ef7c

..got to pet someones cute tiny cowlike pet lost between mount legs ^_^ not sure it was Rae s pet or silently came Vakha s..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) F80a34f1ffe1

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) B56af8809c50 EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) B7674d4c147e

Vakha and his clawy raptor EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 8ee0968dcee8

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 27b5f23fe555

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 0c812ef2e48c

Last guild mate i saw before saying Adios was Dabrutal Monkey?! EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 05fe277778a5

bearded cuties covered with long fighting days tatoes.. giggles dont think he would like if i say to him - Cutie ^-*

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 0e63118f27b3

i couldn get his faces closeup.. seemed he even do not see the LADY standing behind him ^_^ such a BUSY man giggles...

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 18a7252d07f9

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3e645301c7f4

its great honour to have such mates!!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 40add89c39e3

- its time My Lady!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) D39d76c9f164

..`- Laters Enifer!`

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 9f8a4d797ba3
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PostTēma: Re: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime11.08.11 17:45

changes... changes.. i will leave eq for a little maybe few weeks... university calls me.. as well as family and things.. so i need to organise myself and make huge jump to my second bachelor s degree.. i will log somethimes but not for long time..

Maef (Enifer) went for a long travel.. she needs to meet few creatures and renew her warden powers..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) B5502d87b98b

Pēdējo reizi labojis Enifer 11.08.11 17:52; labots 1 reizi
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PostTēma: Re: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime11.08.11 17:45

..yesterday.. and a bit of today..

..together with my Ocadia.. we have crossed many lands.. flying and riding..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Bee188c2446d

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 2b0ee5e4eef8

..friendly sokotars helped when mighty Ocadia wings needed to rest for a while..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3120a2b9d9d9

..grouped with mates.. though fo awhile..

Our Illusionist Maesyn on his raptor!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 7e6a74609a9e

..and after all returned to guild hall for some rest.. where are always someone too greet and someone to admire quietly..
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PostTēma: Re: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime11.08.11 17:45

Another time spared enjoying guild house..

Ocadia is doing her flying exercises.

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 1c1278cbfcd0

Guild house gives us many different opportunities how to spare our time there.. and one them is - an air route/way!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 5fcb387bebf6

I was wandering why those "things" are hanging in the air..

actually - those things are like magic checkpoints used for own time measure or just in the flying mount competition.. i guess.. probably they send some magical message for the judge about time when they were crossed.. (i hope i am explaining more or less clear..ehh)

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 4aca135fffe5

each time when u cross it u feel yourself like floating through the tunnel ofwater.. (or maybe only i had such experience on my own specific path)

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) E8f5612195b2

if you and your mount are not strong enough you may loose much power crossing those "peaceful" screens..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 4de0ed7ad4b7

on the half way i was started to worry... maybe the path is too hard for us.. our power is at its lowest point..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) F286d443627a

..but Ocadia swooped down without any sigh of fear facing another watertunnel... heeee-haaaaw!!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 062487fc6329

..my eyelids are too hard...i guess i am going off... OOH MY!! NOOO... RAISE HORSEY RAISE!! i cannot cast while flying! RAISE HUNNY!!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 1bb52fba10a3

like in a dreamy mist...

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) E358becb7a55

we crossed last few screens...

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 408126106581

this one was the last i remember..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 07e01d630554

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Aef6dd0325b8

sun forced me to open my eyes again... THE LAST one AHEAD! I cannot!.. hoooorsey hang on!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) A4281a99a82a

we did it... we both needed some time to understand where we are.. what happened.. we did it.. deadly tired.. but did it..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) C662b2a4fb2d

i have received some evil grin from Erudin mage who gave us that route.. and wishes of safe travels and strong wings.. and sure welcome back anytime..

..i m not sure i will return.. in few weeks.. those Erudins! its hard to trust if u dodnt understand and feel person..

seems that Erudin guy dont like me.. or maybe he decided i have some dreaming powers and tried to get them out and teach me use them..? who knows..

i hope my research will help me understand myself beter later..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 86606375e232

but it will be later.. we both need some rest..
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Откуда : Latvia, Norway

PostTēma: Re: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime11.08.11 17:46

So... I guess.. Tinkerfest is almost left the town..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Ae1afd14f1b9
It was first festival where I took part fully.. I guess.. I have finished all of its quests, collected all of its collections and catalogued all of necessary creatures..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Ef4a9cebd037

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3279dee7243d
Filled all of gnomish spirits and almost lost my mind gathering 300 cogs (for tinkering mount purchase) around the Norrath..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 297ed4e63cb2
But.. It was fun EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 99ce291abeb0
Got personally attached to some attractive robo guys EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 69934afc394145350659cd7add244ca9

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 32a06099e631

..Some of them seem lost their mind just at the first glance >.<

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 918532f2e1e0
..Some of them.. khmm.. Just wasn’t too friendly.. or was too active in their intentions..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) D366877e6c94

Visited Steamfont Mountains again.. What a beautiful land it is!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 86abae9ce226

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3f40a344b75b

Met our mates on my way..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) C548dfd9bacd

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 6a976b2d2f7a

.. and got new follower EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad I gave him name Solorun.. as one of my brave friends of Butchersblock server.

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 34bab55c52dd

But.. he is a lot different than my patient friend EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad he becomes nervous even when he cannot draw my attention ^_^

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 294c2ef2d473

With his silly phrases EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 283a16da79f3aa23fe1025c96295f04f

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Be78012a37af
i must rename him somehow hehe.. he is too silly to have such name..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) D7f83be26aed

Got few interesting things from the questing..

a smoking backpack of tinkering power EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 4b9ab9189472
Some new fashion weapon to use like a sword or an umbrella ^_^

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 4e9c36b2ea25

...And finally - a noisy and costly (300 gathered cogs) mount to increase my speed to 130 horse powers (%) ^_^

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 6cf6a8f92c4c

..some colourful fireworks at the end of the day..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 32bff088fb7a
EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 49c665d8b4c0

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 12b78e57b3ef

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Eaa44d9e6857

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 0459af2986e1

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Ede6308a72d8

..its time guys..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) B4869a2de5d8

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 757c01e17b0f
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PostTēma: Re: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime11.08.11 17:54

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 5b0ebe277702
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PostTēma: Re: EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG)   EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Icon_minitime16.08.11 4:20

I got it! tonight.. something pushed me.. and i did it.. I have my DOV now!! i cant believe it!

I am thankfull for our Lord Ejait for kind help showing me the zone and those great public quests!
So much fun there as well as so unbelievably good gear!

After hot blooded and fearsome coldain war.. i am mending my poor guild cloak.. sitting and collecting my self and my mind together..

Lol i must be dreaming! i was fighting side to side with our guild leader and amongst other great wariors and mages! i got 80 wis booties?! what?! lol who? me? ratty decorator?! Very Happy

I understood that i must do something with my gear and fighting reaction and knowledge.. i guess i spent too much at home.. watching and digging my garden.. i must remember serious fighting skills and get my butt WISdomed Smile

...such a fresh and icy air here.. in the DOV.. and yes... here SHE is!!! lol now i can just sit like that and watch HER.. mighty mighty turtley!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 1ddf99885889

She is just great creature from all her up and downs..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 75d70f53c9c7

You are so gorgeous! I missed you alot my old friend! ALOT.

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 7a85a0bf897a

i feel so tiny near her!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 4668c1348f91

so many years but she is still the strongest turtle lady i ever met!!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) Ec165ba64a98

and siliest! ^_^ she requires those othmir priests to swim around her and tell her all the news and rumours... oh hehe prolly she knows something about me too.. eeekkk

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 813563ac21c1

Greetings Sir Nipik!! such a long time old friend.. such a long time...

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) De1f9d0cd44fEVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 2cead55b60cf

..and thats the story how i got here.. Sir Nipik you can imagine how i was longing to see you both.. seems years only hardened you both.. oh i am sorry for your eyes.. please let me help you!

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 7400a4037485

now better Smile thank you for your storry Sir i will return again..

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 729fd2498463

I promise! but now its time!...

EVERQUEST (MMORG game BLOG) 1c01cdafdfa1

PS. Lord Ejait! Thank you one more time for this nice journey it was unexpectedly full of adventures and nice feelings!
I hope i will be able to sleep without dreaming about coldain war Smile
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